Key Contacts & Further information.
See below for important contacts at Hare Hill Bowling Club and other relevant information.
Key Contacts at Hare Hill Park Bowling Club:
President: David Hinchliffe - Tel 01706 379222 / Mob 07756 578388
Chair: Howard Steele - Tel 01706 725619
Secretary/Treasurer: John Howarth - Tel 01706 374336 / Mob 07580 322132.
Safeguarding Officer: Sue Bishop - Tel 01706 375669 / Mob 07772 447157
British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA)
Bowls for sale: Hare Hill Bowling Club maintain a number of sets of bowls for loan for new members. There are a number of internet sources for used bowls New bowls and accessories can be bought at: Bury Sport Centre, Bolton Street, Bury.